What is it?
This project is a community-centred endeavour, run with the generous support of Wexford County Council and Creative Ireland. The aim is to celebrate the people and places that make this town what it is and create a valuable resource for its residents.
In these uncertain times, we wanted to make sure everyone can join in. If you have a story you would like to see featured in the project, you can submit your stories through the online form, via our instagram page or directly by emailing contact@wexfordstories.com

How to participate:
1. Think of a place in Wexford that you associate with a special memory.
2. Draw, write, record a video or voice note, use whatever format you like to describe the place as well as the memory it has for you.
3. You can use the submission form below for written pieces, otherwise you can send your contribution by email at contact@wexfordstories.com